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To protect the pristine carp that live in our fishery...
We are very proud of the fishery that has been created at Les Croix, having worked continuously over the course of the last 18 years in order to provide one of the very best exclusive carp lakes with accommodation in France. The fishery rules have evolved over the years alongside our experience of running a carp lake - they exist purely to protect our beautiful pristine fish. Les Croix welcomes real carp anglers, those that appreciate the beauty of their surroundings and the condition of the fish that they catch...
Whilst the lake rules may at first glance appear to be strict, there is a good reason for each and every one of them and we will be more than happy to explain any of them ! The rules are there to enhance your enjoyment rather than restrict it !
The rate of returning customers at Les Croix proves that for most people, once they have visited the fishery they are very keen to return, again and again !

It is easier and clearer if everything is laid out in writing. We endeavour to cover all potential problems which can (and do) occur from time to time. New clients are sent a copy of the rules for reference when a booking is confirmed.  
This is a serious carp fishery and we expect anglers to turn up with suitable high quality carp fishing gear. A safety check on rigs/setup will be undertaken before you start fishing, advice may be given at this point if neccessary.
RODS  Maximum 3 per angler, soft through action rods 2.5 -3.0 lbs T/C are best suited to the venue (long distance casting not needed here)
REELS - Big pit type reels only. The retrieve rate of these bigger reels and the front drag system is essential for keeping large powerful fish under control.
LINES minimum 14lb (0.33mm absolute minimum) -  nylon monofilament and flourocarbon mainlines only. 
END TACKLE  Simple running or semi-fixed rigs only. Helicopter/chod/zig rigs are prohibited. 2.5oz leads maximum. Only flying backleads are allowed. No shop bought rigs. A safety leader of 1. 5 metres minimum length must be used (Nash Diffusion D-Cam leaders are the preferred product and are sold on site), Leaders must be attached using a figure of 8 knot at the end of the main line and by use of the loop to loop system.
HOOKLINKS  Only coated braid hooklinks are permitted, the coating must be intact and unbroken the whole length of the link. (The hair can be stripped if preferred although this makes no difference to the efficiency of the rig)
HOOKS  Barbless size 4 - 7 straight point only. Nash Fang/Twister, Fox S3, Korda Kurve Shank etc. No long shank or beak point hooks. Hooks sold on site. Please ask if you are unsure about the hooks that you use. Shrink or silicon tube to be used over the eye of the hook.
SCALES Due to the size of fish present, all anglers must be in possession of qualitty digital or analogue scales such as reuben heaton.. Digital Reuben Heaton scales are available for hire on site (15€/week)
RIG PLACEMENT rigs to be kept away (minimum 10 metres) from the out of bounds area which is clearly marked, and the lily pads.
BAIT Anglers must use the products that are sold on site. Since January 2021 it is prohibited to bring bait from the UK.
We sell quality bait on site. Only the high quality boilies and carp pellets that are sold on site are allowed. Boilies, pop-ups or a combination of these as hookbaits only.  All additives including liquids, oils, glugs, salt, chilli etc are strictly prohibited as are particles, nuts, and all artificial/dried baits. Please keep all bait in closed sealed containers at all times, and do not take bait into the accommodation or throw unused bait into the lake.
Fishing from from 06:00 to 22:00.       3 rods per angler (6 rods maximum on the fishery).         No Bait boats.        No carp sacks.
No unattended rods - anglers must be within 15 metres of their rods at all times - no exceptions.
Rig placement and baiting up from the dam are not allowed.   Please observe and keep your rigs well away from the out of bounds area. Baiting up to be done by means of catapult, baiting spoon, throwing stick or spomb-type bait rocket (no spods).
All fish to be unhooked, weighed and photographed in the water -  please read the page on fish care. Quality landing nets, mats, slings and waterside purpose built weigh stations are provided. 

To deal with fish in the water, regardless of your level of experience, some assistance is neccessary - we provide a bankside assistance service that is second to none, and we will be pleased to help you with the fish care process and take photographs for you.
Anglers must be in possesion of, and use NASH MEDI CARP antiseptic treatment on all hookholds and any visible body damage.
Any carp that are recaptured during an anglers' visit are to be released immediately without being weighed or photographed, as are any foul-hooked fish.
Children under 10 years old are not allowed on the angling swims unless supervised by a non-angling adult. No exceptions.
All gates to the property are kept locked at all times, please inform the owners if you wish to leave, and give an idea of your time of return. 

Visitors to the site with prior permission from the owners only, visitors must check in at the owners house before entering onto the property. All rubbish including cigarette ends to be bagged and put in the bins provided.

In our opinion, alcohol and fishing do not go together. We realise that there are people that do not share our view about this, but if you wish to drink whilst fishing then Les Croix is not the venue for you.
Our rules relating to the consumption of alcohol are clear and simple - this is a quiet family run venue and as such we do not accommodate those who wish to mix fishing and alcohol. With this in mind we politely ask clients to limit the use of alcohol to the evenings after fishing has ended. Thank you.

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